Simple guide to efficiently declutter and organize toys

Do you ever get to a point where you are overwhelmed with toys? The point where you just want to get rid of every toy not in a place. It is time to learn how to efficiently declutter and organize toys.

How to efficiently declutter toys

The most important step when decluttering toys, is getting rid of all the toys that no longer have a place. I wrote an earlier post with tips on de-cluttering your space that will give you a good starting point.

It is important, for the sake of organization, to ask yourself “does everything have a place?” This does not mean just a playroom, or space for toys. It means that each toy has a specific place to go when it is not being played with.

This means you need to have the mindset that you will get rid of things that don’t have a place.

You can do this with your children. Talk about toys that they play with v. toys that they no longer use. Separate them by things that are broken or have missing pieces, and things that are still in good condition but aren’t played with. This is a good time to talk with them about donating or handing down their toys to other children.

For me, I rather take a couple of days and get rid of things without my kids seeing. Just like adults tend to do, seeing things they haven’t played with in a long time…is going to make them remember how much they need to keep it because it’s their absolute favorite toy. So, for my family, “out of sight out of mind” is the best method for us.

You want to de-clutter first, because you only want to organize toys you are going to keep. Most likely, you will still find yourself de-cluttering while organizing, but you want to get the bulk of it finished prior to organizing.

HOW TO EASILY DECLUTTER TOYS USING ONLY FOUR RULES is an excellent reference to help quickly declutter toys.

How to efficiently organize toys

Efficiently organizing toys means that you are using the most resourceful and productive ways to sort your toys. There are hundreds of creative ways to organize toys. My goal is to have my kids’ toys sorted and stored in ways that are easy to put away and that take up the least amount of space.

This is how we store the twins stuffed animals. In a laundry hamper sorter.

I try to find different bins in various shapes and sizes, so I can play around with the best way to store them. It is also important to make sure that you sort the toys in a way that makes sense. In Ava’s room, all of her dolls and accessories are organized in the same area. She also has a separate area for dress up clothes, Barbies & Barbie accessories, and her toy pets.

Some other creative ideas to help organize toys

  • Toy Hammock
  • Hanging/Floating Shelves
  • Garden Baskets
  • Canvas Bins
  • Ottoman
  • Crates
  • multi-storage bins

There are tons of other organization methods and ideas. I would love to hear some of yours! Feel free to leave a comment or a message to give me more ideas!

Surviving the day,


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