5 Creative ways to keep kids entertained while you work

Motherhood is a balancing act. Moms need a variety of options to keep kids entertained. Whether you need to get housework done, you work from home, or just need a minute to breath, you have to get creative in order to accomplish it all.

It is always important to keep in mind that your children’s age and attention span will require modification of most activities. Here is a great attention span chart you can reference. With that being said, I have 5 creative ways to keep kids entertained so you can get things done.

1. Use a Center Based system to keep kids entertained

Finding engaging activities, that your child can do independently (or with help from a sibling) is key. You also want to give them activities that have clear directions and are easy to take out and put away. The post I wrote: 4 Simple ideas to Organize your kids Activity Space gives ideas on organizing and labeling these activities.

If you set up a specific area for them to use during this time, it will help develop a routine. Also, the centers should be activities that are easy to store in bins, crates, or tubs of some sort. That makes them easier to label as well as clean up. Some examples of center ideas:

  • Library (quiet reading)
  • Legos/Blocks
  • puzzles
  • play-doh (and tools and mats also)
  • Kinetic sand
  • Magnet Tiles
  • sensory tables
  • listening center (radio, computer, tablets, stories, etc.)
  • cubes
  • lacing shapes
  • busy boards/busy bags

It’s important to give clear directions when they start, or they will still interrupt you for clarity. Some things I suggest are using a picture schedule that shows them which centers they can use. A timer is a great way to help them learn to regulate timing of activities.

*Please keep in mind the attention span before you set expectations. *

2. Open-ended play time to keep kids entertained

This is a great time to have your kids use their imagination with open ended play. This can look so many different ways. You can make it as simple or elaborate as you need.

There are many types of tents and forts you can buy. On the other hand, your kids may have fun building their own with sheets and boxes.

Also, setting up a dramatic play area in your house would be helpful for this purpose. Get a storage bin and fill it with all kinds of “dress-up” clothes.

Getting toy food and dishes is also a great addition to this space. You could encourage your kids to make up a skit/play that they can perform for you when you finish what you are doing. Having puppets, stuffed animals, dolls, barbies, and toy animals could also be used for a show they can give. There is nothing wrong with added incentives to help them stay engaged.

3. Arts and Crafts to keep kids entertained

Arts and crafts are a great way to keep your kids engaged. Be intentional on what supplies your kids can use with the level of supervision they may need. When doing arts and crafts, I also suggest having an organized system that makes it simple to get supplies out quickly. You also should consider pre-planning these activities, to make sure you have everything they would need.

You can always print off coloring pages or buy coloring books, or even create a bin where they can stock up on scrap paper. The older your kids are, the more elaborate crafts they can do. My kids love using step by step drawing books. Some other ideas:

  • making masks (paper plates)
  • magazine/newspaper collages
  • paper dolls
  • construction paper mosaic
  • stamp pads
  • paper bag puppets
  • stencils

Some supplies to keep “on hand”:

  • glue
  • scissors
  • all types of paper
  • crayons
  • markers
  • colored pencils
  • popsicle sticks
  • pipe cleaner
  • tissue paper
  • googly eyes
  • pencil sharpener
  • cotton balls
  • cotton swabs

4. Use technology to keep your kids entertained

There are several interactive videos on Netflix that we use to keep our kids engaged. They are educational, and very entertaining. If your children have access to a laptop or tablet, there are a lot of games you can set up for them to play during this time. Kid YouTube is also a great option. You can also find several websites where your kids can watch/listen to stories online.

You can set a timer on their devices as well, that will help set boundaries and expectations. A favorite in my house is “movie time”. Setting up a pallet on the floor and letting them snack and watch a movie while I get things done.

YouTube has a variety of different “countdowns”, and my kids will sit and read or color quietly while watching the countdown projected on the TV. 30-minute countdown

5. Have your kids do some chores while you work

This is also a great opportunity to give your kids some extra responsibility. As they see you working hard, allow them to help you out. Kids really want to help and make things easier on us. Many times, they just don’t know what to do or how to do it.

All of the examples above are suggestions that can allow you more time to get things done, while giving your kids productive ways to stay occupied. Please feel free to leave a comment on other ideas you have or if you tried implementing any of these.

Surviving the day,


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