Do you know the Secret to becoming a Fit Mama?

Do you know the secret to becoming a fit mama? Were you aware there was one? Whether that means getting your “pre-body” back after having kids, or finally choosing a healthier lifestyle, there is a secret. That being said, the secret isn’t in the method. The secret is your mindset.

So much goes on in a woman’s brain when she becomes a mother. One of the biggest changes, is that you automatically lose priority. This is even different from becoming a wife. Although you may prioritize your husband in certain ways, he is still an adult. When putting your child first, that means their needs become more important than your own. I say it is a secret to becoming a fit mama, because it is something many of us convince ourselves is impossible. That there has to be some trick, or unpublished way for moms to be great mothers, while still being healthy women.

The right mindset can change everything

This does not just mean physically. It means mentally as well. It will be challenging to find time to exercise and to plan healthier meal options. That is one of the biggest obstacles mothers have to overcome in their journey to becoming fit. Time.

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you”

Fred DeVito

In a recent post, I gave 7 ways to be highly productive and efficient. As a mom, you know that seasons change. When you move into a new season, it will require you to adjust your schedule at times. This is one way you can still prioritize the needs of your children, while making time for yourself to become a fit mama.

Sometimes, it will be easier to find time than others. When my twins still took naps, I was in the best shape. Every day, I used their naptime as my workout time. When they abruptly stopped napping, I felt like that took away my only opportunity to get a workout in. However, in reality it didn’t. it just took away what had become the perfect time.

Often, in addition to finding the right (not perfect) time, you must get creative. That can look many different ways, I have ten examples of way you can get creative with your workouts.

A creative mindset is part of the secret to becoming a fit mama.

  1. Exercise with your children.
    • take a walk, do workout videos, have a dance party, yoga, teach your kids how to do exercises
  2. Exercise before your children wake up, during their naptime, or after they go to bed.
  3. Find workout videos on YouTube (google “workout videos for moms)
  4. Sign up for a program,
    • I use Beach Body. I signed up with a coach who is a Boss Mom!
      • Instagram: @healthynorma
      • website:
    • There are many other programs you can look into as well if you want to take a structured approach to your journey.
  5. Look on Pinterest at different at-home circuit ideas.
  6. Split it up. You don’t have to do a full work out all at one time. You can split it up by day and/or time of day.
  7. Make a game of it while you do housework. If you have an activity tracker, set it too “other” and try to move faster, or even do jumping jacks or jog in place in between.
  8. Sign up for a gym that has in house childcare options.
  9. There are plenty of exercise apps you can download on your phone and use throughout the day.
  10. Get together with other moms and work out together.

Eating healthy is also an important part in becoming a fit mama.

This is something you should incorporate for your whole family! It is most beneficial to plan out your meals and do your best to keep them balanced. Remember, it is not a diet but a lifestyle change. There are many ways you can find ideas for meal planning, as well as delivery services for meals and your groceries.

The first step is to start. There you have it. The secret to becoming a fit mama is your mindset. That’s where it starts. Find an accountability group. A likeminded group of friends, to hold you accountable and encourage you to keep going. I know you can do it! You have to believe it too!

Surviving the day,


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